[content_boxes] [content_box title=”ABS Trade info” image=”” icon=”info-sign” link=”/kontakt/” linktext=”Pogledajte kontakt info→“]ABS-TRADE je deo firme ABS koja je osnovana 1992. godine kao samostalna zanatska radnja. Mi smo prava porodična firma i osnovna delatnost nam je proizvodnja delova od plastičnih masa za automobilsku industriju. Ono čime se posebno ponosimo je kvalitet proizvoda. Tu činjenicu potvrđuje veliki broj proizvoda koji se isporučivao Zastavi iz Kragujevca za prvu ugradnju, a danas se isporučuju mnogim firmama kao rezervni delovi. Najveći deo proizvodnog programa ide našim dugogodišnjim partnerima i prijateljima koji posluju na teritoriji Republike Srbije.[/content_box][content_box title=”ABS Trade proizvodi” image=”” icon=”shopping-cart” link=”/proizvodi/” linktext=”Pogledajte proizvodni program→“]Proizvodni program ABS Trade obuhvata sledeće kategorije proizvoda za automobilsku industriju: okviri za registarske tablice (ramovi registarskih tablica sa logotipima na ukrasnim lajsnama – graviranim ili u sito štampi), garniture sijalica (garniture H1, H4, H7, H1/H7 kao i nove EURO kutije za garniture sijalica), auto kozmetika (kutija za prvu pomoć, strugač leda), ručice stakla i vrata (ručice stakla i ručke vrata, poluga brave vrata Golf), elektro delovi (kape razvodnika, rotor razvodnika, migavac u krilu Golf, fasung ), kopče-čepovi i rezervni delovi.[/content_box] [content_box last=”yes” title=”ABS Trade misija” image=”” icon=”ok-sign” link=”/proizvodnja-i-tehnologija/” linktext=”Više o proizvodnji i tehnologiji→“]Kompanija ABS Trade posluje u skladu sa sloganom: “Naša najveća satisfakcija je zadovoljan kupac i kvalitetan proizvod”. Pri ostvarivanju ciljeva ne zanemarujemo ni životnu sredinu. Pridružujemo se i naporima da sačuvamo što zdravije okruženje i okolinu. Standardi ekologije su u našem poslovanju visoko kotirani. Stoga, molimo sve korisnike kako naših proizvoda, tako i drugih predmeta od plastike da ovakve predmete zasebno odlažu u posebne kontejnere za ovakve namene. Unapred hvala.[/content_box] [/content_boxes]
[title size=”2″]Najnoviji proizvodi[/title]
[recent_works cat_slug=”garniture-sijalica” number_posts=”9″][/recent_works]
[tagline_box backgroundcolor=”blue” border=”1px” bordercolor=”red” link=”https://abs-trade.com/proizvodi” button_size=”large” button_shape=”square” button_type=”flat” button=”Proizvodi” title=”Pogledajte kompletan proizvodni program” description=”Auto kozmetika, auto sijalice, elektro delovi, kopče-čepovi, okviri registarskih tablica, rezervni delovi, ručice vrata i stakla.” id=”tagline-abs”][/tagline_box]
[title size=”2″]NOVO – Uvozni program[/title]
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[tagline_box backgroundcolor=”blue” border=”1px” bordercolor=”red” link=”https://abs-trade.com/portfolio_category/uvozni-programimport-program” button_size=”large” button_shape=”square” button_type=”flat” button=”Uvozni program” title=”Pogledajte kompletan uvozni program” description=”Auto sijalice i auto osigurači” id=”tagline-abs”][/tagline_box]
Oznake: ABS Trade, brizganje plastike, okviri za tablice, auto oprema, auto kozmetika, auto sijalice, okviri registarskih tablica, ramovi za auto tablice, kopče, čepovi, ručice za vrata, ručice za stakla, kutija za prvu pomoć, strugač leda, usluga brizganja plastike, rezervni delovi za automobile, kutija za garnituru sijalica, proizvodnja auto delova od plastike.[content_boxes] [content_box title=”ABS Trade Info” image=”” icon=”info-sign” link=”/en/kontakt/” linktext=”Contact Info→“]ABS-TRADE is a part of the ABS company, which was founded in 1992 as an independent craft shop. We are a true family company, and our main activity is the production of plastic parts for the automotive industry. We are especially proud of the quality of our products. This fact is confirmed by a large number of products which were delivered to Zastava in Kragujevac for the first installation, and today are used as spare parts to supply many companies. Most of the product range goes to our long-term partners and friends who operate on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.[/content_box][content_box title=”ABS Trade Products” image=”” icon=”shopping-cart” link=”/en/proizvodi/” linktext=”View Products→“]The production program of ABS Trade covers the following categories of products for the automotive industry: license plate frames (license plate frames with logos on decorative strips – engraved or screen printing), sets of light bulbs (sets H1, H4, H7, H1/H7 and also new EURO boxes for sets of light bulbs), auto care (first aid kit, ice scraper), handles for windows and doors (window knobs and door handles, lever door locks for Golf), electrical parts (distributor cap, rotor hub, turn signal flank of Golf, socket), belt-plugs and spare parts.[/content_box] [content_box last=”yes” title=”ABS Trade Mission” image=”” icon=”ok-sign” link=”/en/proizvodnja-i-tehnologija/” linktext=”More→“]ABS Trade Company operates in accordance with the motto: “Our greatest satisfaction is a satisfied customer and a quality product”. While reaching our goals we are not neglecting the environment. We are joining the efforts to preserve the healthy environment. Environmental standards are highly ranked in our business. Therefore, we ask all customers who use our products and other plastic items to separately dispose of these items in special containers for this purpose. Thank you in advance.[/content_box] [/content_boxes]
[title size=”2″]New Products[/title]
[recent_works cat_slug=”garniture-sijalica” number_posts=”9″][/recent_works]
[tagline_box link=”https://abs-trade.com/en/proizvodi/” button=”Products” title=”Complete program:” description=”Car Care, Car Bulbs, Buckles – Caps, Electrical Parts, License Plates Frames, Doors Handles & Glass.”][/tagline_box] [title size=”2″]NEW – Import Program[/title] [recent_works cat_slug=”uvozni-programimport-program” number_posts=”20″][/recent_works] [tagline_box link=”https://abs-trade.com/en/portfolio_category/uvozni-programimport-program/” button=”Import Program” title=”Complete Import Program:” description=”Car Bulbs & Car Fuses.”][/tagline_box] Tags: ABS Trade, Plastic injection, Licence Plate Frames, Car Care, Car Bulbs, Plates Frames, Frames Car Plates, Buckles, caps, The Door Handle, Handle glass, First Aid Kit, Ice Scraper, Service Plastic Injection, Spare Parts For Cars, Car Bulbs box, Car Plastic Parts Production.